What Is Visibox?

The Ultimate Guide for Performers and Visual Artists

Visibox promises to revolutionize the way performers and visual artists integrate multimedia into their live shows, presentations, and installations. This comprehensive tool is designed to make controlling and synchronizing videos, images, cameras, and audio files during live performances or streams both simple and flexible.

Visibox is a new type of software. We’re calling it an audiovisual performance environment. But you might call it a MIDI video player, PowerPoint or Keynote for musicians and performers, simplified VJ software, a live event video mixer, a video looper, or a multimedia player on steroids. It’s all of these things and more.

Who Can Benefit from Visibox?

  • Bands and Solo Performers: Whether you're on tour promoting your latest album, playing in a wedding or tribute band, singing at a café, or premiering your latest beats at the talent show, Visibox is for you. Enhance your live music with synchronized visuals, adding a whole new dimension to your performance. Conform and trigger your visuals to your organic music performance without needing to play to a click or backing tracks. Or control your backing tracks in Visibox and create a truly multimedia performance.
  • Video Artists and Videographers: Present your art in a new way. Experiment with live mixing and effects to create immersive experiences.
  • Music and Drama Teachers: Make concerts and performances more engaging with immersive visuals to set a mood.
  • Performing Arts and Dance Troupes: Create visual backdrops and virtual sets to complements your performance.
  • DJs and Aspiring VJs: Mix music and visuals live, keeping the crowd energized.
  • Event Planners and Organizers: Create custom backgrounds and virtual environments on any video projector, monitor, video wall, or television.
  • Anyone at the Intersection of Audio and Visuals: If you’re looking to explore or create mixed media art, Visibox is your canvas.

Key Features

  • Simple Yet Powerful: Designed to be easy to use, you don’t need to be a tech wizard to make Visibox work for you. It’s as simple as drag, drop, and perform.
  • Flexibility: Whether you’re playing at a stadium, a cozy café, or streaming from your living room, Visibox adapts to your needs. It supports a wide range of file formats and offers options like looping videos for background visuals or triggering specific clips for special moments.
  • MIDI Compatibility: Control Visibox using your MIDI devices, be it drum pads, keyboards, or foot pedals, allowing for seamless integration into your performance setup.
  • Elgato Stream Deck Integration: For a more tactile control experience, the Stream Deck integration offers previews of clips right at your fingertips, making it easier to manage your visuals live.
  • Video Wall and Projection Options: Want to create an immersive environment with multiple screens or projectors? Visibox has got you covered, allowing you to extend your creative reach beyond the stage.
  • Affordable and Accessible: With a free trial available, it’s easy to start experimenting with Visibox without any upfront investment. The full version is also priced to be accessible to artists of all levels. Download the free trial and see for yourself.

How Does Visibox Work?

Visibox is an app for macOS and Windows. Its designed to be intuitive and easy to use. Here’s a quick overview of how it works:

  1. Create A Project: Start by creating a new project and setting up your stage. You can add multiple Songs, each with its own set of media files. Visibox is set up like a set list, scene list, or playlist - with a chunky interface that’s easy to see from a distance.
  2. Import Your Media: Just drag your videos, images, and audio files into Visibox. You can also connect cameras and capture devices to bring live video into your performance.
  3. Configure Playback: Set up your Clips to loop, play once, or trigger manually. You can also set up behaviors for what happens when you retrigger a currently-playing Clip or resume it after playing another Clip. There are filters and special effects. You can flip and rotate Clips, adjust their volume relative to one another, etc., etc.
  4. Control Your Performance: Use your MIDI devices, keyboard, or mouse to control your visuals live. You can also use the Elgato Stream Deck for a more tactile experience. Performers can control Visibox as part or the performance or it can be controlled at the front of the house. Visibox is designed to be flexible and responsive, so you can adapt to the moment and create a unique experience for your audience.
  5. Present and Perform: With your visuals set up, you’re ready to perform. Visibox is designed to adapt your Project to most video projectors, monitors, video walls, and televisions. Visibox will quickly adapt your input content to your output format, cropping, scaling, and adapting 4:3, 16:9, 16:10 and other aspect ratios to fit your output device.

Further Reading


Visibox is more than just a video player; it’s a comprehensive platform that bridges the gap between audio and visual, offering an intuitive way for artists of all kinds to enhance their live performances. With its easy-to-use interface, compatibility with a range of devices, and flexibility to suit any performance scenario, Visibox is the key to unlocking a new realm of creative possibilities.

Interested in bringing your performances to life with Visibox? Download the free trial and discover how it can transform your next show. Visit our website and join the growing community of artists who are already elevating their art with Visibox.


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